The Users section is all about managing the people who interact with your system. It covers the essential actions needed to create, retrieve, and manage user information. Think of this as the starting point for building user profiles and accessing their details.
APIs under Users:
User Creation
This API helps create a new user profile by collecting basic personal information like their name, phone number, and PAN (Permanent Account Number). Once the profile is created, the system generates a unique finsire_id for the user, which acts as their personal identifier within the system.
Users List
Need a quick view of all the users? This API pulls up a full list of users associated with a particular distributor or organization. It shows basic details like names, emails, and phone numbers, making it easy to scan through the database of users.
User Detail
This API provides an in-depth look at a specific user’s profile. It reveals everything from basic personal information (name, phone, email) to more sensitive financial details, such as KYC (Know Your Customer) status and bank account information. This is useful when you need a detailed overview of a user’s profile.
Updated 5 months ago