Validate OTP


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This API accepts the OTP with fields from Generate OTP API. And in response, it verifies the user identity and gives the assets held by the account holder.

For this API,

Input: OTP sent to user on their mobile_number and mail should be verified by the CAMS and Finsire.

Output: All assets holding of user with particular asset NAV, unit holdings, unit prices, LTV value, AMC name and details, scheme type and further details will be provided.

Input Type

finsire_idstringA valid id generated during user creation
emailstringA valid email address associated with mutual funds
mobile_numberstringA valid mobile_number associated with mutual funds
otpnumberA valid OTP sent to the above email address

Common Error Scenarios

The following are the common error scenarios in sending an API request:

param is missing or the value is empty: finsire_idfinsire_id is a required field
param is missing or the value is empty: emailemail is a required field
param is missing or the value is empty: mobile_numbermobile_number is a required field
param is missing or the value is empty: otpotp is a required field
No AMC found.No mutual funds found associated with given email address


You can try out this API here.