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This page will help you get started with Finsire. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!

Get a cup of coffee🍵 and be prepared for a walkthrough, to understand what Finsire offers as a business and how you and your organisation can benefit, by collaborating with us and our innovative applications.

Let’s get started!

🚀 What is Finsire?

Finsire positions itself as a digital infrastructure for assets, offering a broad spectrum of services designed for various clients. Our offerings include go-to-market APIs, ready-to-use platforms, and Credit, AI and Analytics solutions.

We aim to serve lenders, wealth management companies, Fintechs, and other entities looking to leverage digital infrastructure for all asset classes. Finsire's approach caters to different levels of licensing needs, providing scalable solutions to enhance decision-making and product innovation across the financial industry.

The Need

Indian households 🏘️ hold over 14 trillion dollars in assets, and global households' assets are over 400 trillion dollars. Today, any actions like lending, or investment decisions over these assets are difficult and manual. The idea is to allow the asset holder 🙋 and institutions to do what they wish to do with these assets seamlessly.

Finsire’s mission is to map India’s wealth, stored as Assets (Informational and Financial Assets).

Finsire's tech helps in interoperable asset fetching mechanisms, a better UI/UX (direct APIs) for users, a switch for pledged assets and access to lender network, investment and analytics by in-house AI model for companies and their users, and building at the forefront for asset classes yet to be digitized, which classify as phygital assets.

📊 What are Assets?

In Finance’s dictionary, assets 🎁 mean something valuable that can generate economic value for a company and reap benefits for the asset owner.

Assets are a key component to the company’s net worth. Assets can generate revenue - assets can be physical items, such as machinery or intellectual property. Assets are recorded/reported in a company’s balance sheet 📑, which is one of the crucial financial statements.

Assets accumulated, wisely purchased or invested in, can bring lots of prospects and opportunities and can provide numerous methods of solving financial problems. FINSIRE is focused on solving such economic problems and is helping to create solutions to prevent financial crises. 😥

📈 What are Asset Classes?

An asset class is a grouping of investments that exhibit similar characteristics and are subject to the same laws and regulations. Equities (e.g. stocks), fixed income (e.g., bonds), cash and cash equivalents, real estate, commodities, and currencies are common examples of asset classes.

💎 What does Finsire offer?

Finsire APIs/WebApp/SDKs/Iframes 🔐

It helps the users to fetch their Assets either which are Financial instruments or Informational and then can be reflective to the company and users both.

For entities without any regulatory license

For entities that do not need any regulatory license, Finsire offers data to engage with your users. Our services are tailored to:

  • Ability to attain data from various sources that your entity would require for your application and digital footprint.
  • Accelerate the KYC process for assets, significantly reducing verification and making it easier for you to offer information to new users.
APIFunctionalityIntegrationsAdditional Details
Data: Asset Gateway APISubscriptionsBureau IDProvides subscription details [such as Spotify, and Netflix]

Utilized to analyze spending behaviours for personalized financial products and services
Data: Asset Gateway APIVehicleFinsire API - Insured Declared ValueDetails about vehicle

Insured value in the insurance policy
Data: Asset Gateway APIReal Estate
Finsire APIs - Sub-Registrar OfficeFacilitates property valuation and ownership verification and comprehensive real estate investments
Data: Asset Gateway APIExperienceFinsire's LinkedIn StackCan be used to evaluate professional stability and career progression
Vehicle Advanced APIVehicle 360° View3D Rendering VehiclesEnhances overall viewing experience
Vehicle Advanced APIIDV & Market PriceVehicle ValuationMarket price

Insurance details

Integral for insurers and financiers to determine the current value and risk associated with a vehicle
Vehicle Advanced APIVahaanChallan HistoryChallan associated with the vehicle

For entities with regulatory licenses from RBI / SEBI / PFRDA or IRDAI

If you're a licensed entity, prepare to experience a leap in operational efficiency and data management with Finsire. Our platform offers:

  • Access to superior and faster data, streamlining your decision-making processes.
  • A faster implementation path, eliminating the need to juggle multiple integrations with Account Aggregators (AAs) or companies (including depositories or investor services hub).
  • Enhanced capabilities to showcase specific data to users, adding layers to what's available to all entities mentioned above.
  • Opportunities to become distributors for established entities, leveraging your user base to generate additional revenue.
APIFunctionalityIntegrationsAdditional Details
Net Worth Basic APIBank Accounts SwitchOnemoney
For consolidating bank account information across multiple institutions, enabling financial apps to offer an aggregated financial view to users
Net Worth Basic APIMutual Funds SwitchOnemoney
Allows for the tracking and management of mutual fund investments. Provides access to securities for wealth management, aiding in investment decisions and portfolio analysis
Net Worth Basic APIInsurance, NPS, GST, ITROnemoney
Integrates insurance, pension, and tax details for comprehensive financial planning and advisory services
Net Worth Basic APIConsumer Durable AssetsAA - Finsire AnalyticsTracks ownership of high-value goods for credit risk assessment and insurance underwriting
Net Worth Basic APISalaryAA - Finsire AnalyticsAssesses income for loan eligibility, financial planning, and wealth management services
Net Worth Basic APIDividends and Interest IncomeAA - Finsire AnalyticsEvaluate investment incomes for financial advisories and tax planning services
Net Worth Basic APIRental IncomeAA - Finsire AnalyticsMonitors passive income streams for property investment management and income verification
Net Worth Basic APIRental ExpenditureAA - Finsire AnalyticsHelps in personal budgeting and financial stability assessments for credit evaluations
Asset Modifier APINon-Commercial Transactions for Mutual FundsCAMS, KFintech, MFCentralFor account-specific actions such as changing nominee, personal details, FATCA details, tax status and so on
Direct Sales Agent IntegrationLAMF, LAS, LAI and LAV [and more]Bajaj Finance

Tata Capital
Facilitates marketing and sales of financial products, aiding customer acquisition for distributor

For entities with a regulatory license from RBI

For those who seek the pinnacle of financial service innovation, these APIs offer an all-encompassing suite that includes:

  • All the benefits mentioned above, plus much more.
  • Comprehensive loan management solutions cover everything from hypothecation to invocation and revocation.
  • The ability to combine underlying assets to offer customized loan products sets you apart in the market.

Across all layers, the cornerstone of Finsire's offerings is enhanced decision-making.

APIFunctionalityIntegrationsAdditional Details
Net Worth Advanced APICAS + Credit Score + DematNSDL/CDSL, CIBIL/Experian, CAMS, KFintech, MFCentralThe functionality of Net Worth Basic API. In addition to this, modules to compute Loan-to-Value ratios for lending
Loan against Vehicle APIVehicles Pledge, Invoke & RevokeOne VahaanManages vehicle financing transactions, serving as collateral management for loans
Loan against MF APIMFs pledge, Invoke & Revoke (LAMF)MFCentral, CAMS, and KFintechSecures loans against mutual fund assets, necessary for asset-backed lending services
Loan against Securities APIStocks and Bonds Pledge, Invoke & Revoke (LAS)NSDL/CDSLSecures loans against shares, necessary for asset-backed lending services

Main Portal 📟

It allows any representative from the company to view, manage and operate on their users' data to provide them with required services according to the use case, here in they can view combined data and analytics on all their users according to the business divisions, and individual user information which is downloadable and can be used across for various functions in the company.

🧩 Problem and the bigger picture

India is growing and although we were taught the value of assets, many of us do not know how these assets can be useful to us in time of need.

🤔The biggest problem in asset mapping can vary depending on the specific context and goals of the mapping effort. Asset mapping is a process used in various fields, such as community development, business, and natural resource management, to identify and assess the available resources and assets in a given area. Some common challenges and problems associated with asset mapping include:

  1. Incomplete or outdated data: One of the primary issues in asset mapping is the availability of incomplete or outdated data. Assets may change over time, and keeping the information up-to-date can be a significant challenge.

  2. Lack of standardization: Inconsistent data collection methods and a lack of standardized terminology can lead to confusion and difficulty in comparing and using asset data. Combining and integrating data from different sources or sectors can be complicated, as it often involves dealing with disparate datasets and formats.

  3. Data Privacy and Security: In some cases, asset mapping may involve sensitive data, and ensuring privacy and security can be a challenge, especially when sharing data with multiple stakeholders.

  4. Identifying all relevant assets: It can be difficult to identify and map all relevant assets in a given context. Some assets may be hidden, informal, or not immediately obvious.

  5. Resource constraints: Asset mapping can require time, financial resources, and human resources. Smaller organizations or communities with limited resources may find it challenging to conduct comprehensive asset mapping.

To address these challenges, careful planning, stakeholder involvement, data quality assurance, and the use of appropriate technology and tools are essential. Asset mapping efforts should also be adaptable and flexible to accommodate changes over time.

Additionally, addressing privacy and security concerns is crucial in data-intensive asset mapping initiatives.