ISIN Search
The ISIN Search API provides detailed information about securities associated with specific International Securities Identification Numbers (ISINs) within a mutual fund's portfolio. This API is critical for financial platforms that require precise data on the individual securities held within mutual fund schemes, enabling investors to conduct in-depth analyses of their investments.
Scheme codes: The unique code(s) of the mutual fund scheme(s) whose ISINs are being queried.
From: The starting date from which the ISIN data is considered.
Ranges: The duration over which the ISIN data is relevant, such as "5Y" for five years.
The output provides detailed listings for each ISIN associated with the mutual fund scheme:
ID: A unique identifier for the listing.
ISIN: The International Securities Identification Number.
ISIN description: A description of the security the ISIN represents.
Security name: The name of the security.
Security type: The type of security (e.g., Equity Shares, Preferential Shares).
Asset type: The category of asset (e.g., Equity).
Updated 7 months ago