Validate OTP


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This API is used to validate the mutual funds associated to the user's mobile_number, PAN with the OTP sent by KFintech. It verifies the OTP from KFintech RTA.

For this API,

Input: PAN, Mobile_number associated with mutual funds account and OTP sent to it.

Output: Verification done by RTA for fetching mutual funds.

Input Type

finsire_idstringA valid id generated during user creation
panstringA valid pan associated with mutual funds
mobile_numberstringA valid mobile_number associated with mutual funds
otpnumberA valid OTP sent to the above email address

Common Error Scenarios

The following are the common error scenarios in sending an API request:

param is missing or the value is empty: finsire_idfinsire_id is a required field
param is missing or the value is empty: panpan is a required field
param is missing or the value is empty: mobile_numbermobile_number is a required field
param is missing or the value is empty: otpotp is a required field
No AMC found.No mutual funds found associated with given email address


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