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This API is used to revoke the lien marked assets of the user.


Conditions: Lenders can revoke the pledge under certain conditions, such as:

  1. Loan Repayment: Once the loan is fully repaid, the lender can revoke the lien on the mutual funds.
  2. Disbursement Issues: If there are problems in the disbursement of the loan amount, such as incorrect amounts or failed transactions.
  3. Prepayment: If the user chooses to prepay the loan, the lender can revoke the pledge once the prepayment is processed.


The lender initiates the revocation process through the API, releasing the lien on the mutual funds and allowing the user full access to their assets.

For this API,

Input: Conditions for revoking and asset related details.

Output:Confirmation of revocation.

Input Type

finsire_idstringA valid id generated during user creation
order_idnumberA valid order number that can be fetched from ordering assets API response
loan_disbursedbooleanThis indicates whether the loan was disbursed. It acts as a confirmation from stakeholders to know if the loan was disbursed
loan_completionbooleanThis indicates whether the loan was repaid
user_notification_statusbooleanThis indicates whether the user has been notified of the invoke and has given confirmation for the invoke to happen

Common Error Scenarios

The following are the common error scenarios in sending an API request:

param is missing or the value is empty: finsire_idfinsire_id is a required field
param is missing or the value is empty: order_idorder_id is a required field


You can try out this API here.