Consolidated Account Statement Detailed


Try CAS Summary API here and CAS Detaild API here

Inputs for CAS Detailed API

Mobile: This field requires the user's mobile number. It serves as a primary identifier for the user or account holder, ensuring that the financial data accessed corresponds to the authenticated user.

One-Time Password (OTP): An One-Time Password that the user must provide to authenticate the session. This additional security measure verifies that the person attempting to access the data is the legitimate account holder, safeguarding sensitive financial information.

Output for CAS Detailed API

Basic Details

Asset Details: This is a collection of individual entries, each representing comprehensive information about a distinct asset within the user's portfolio. This key output provides the core data necessary for understanding each investment thoroughly.

Name: Displays the name of the investment, which helps users quickly identify specific funds or assets within their portfolio. This is particularly useful when users have investments in multiple assets or funds.

Unit Price: The current price per unit of the investment. This is essential for assessing the present value of the assets and is used to calculate the total value of the holdings.

LTV (Loan to Value Ratio): Indicates the ratio between the amount of a loan and the value of the asset used as collateral. This is especially relevant in financial scenarios where assets are leveraged for loans.

Available Units: Shows the number of units the investor currently holds. This figure is crucial for portfolio management and tracking changes in asset holdings over time.

Total Price: Represents the total monetary value of the investment, calculated by multiplying the number of available units by the unit price. It provides a snapshot of what the investment is worth in the market at the current time.

Further Details About the Asset:

Asset Management Company (AMC) Code and Name: Identifies the company managing the asset, giving insights into who is responsible for the oversight of the investment.

Net Asset Value (NAV): The per-unit value of the asset, recalculated daily for assets like mutual funds, which helps in understanding current investment worth.

International Securities Identification Number (ISIN): A unique code that identifies specific securities, essential for transactions and tracking.

Folio Number: Serves as an identifier for the investor's account within the asset management company.

Scheme Code: Provides specifics about the investment scheme, categorizing the asset in terms of its investment strategy and objective.

Dematerialized Status (Is Demat): Indicates whether the asset is held electronically, which is vital for understanding the form in which the asset is maintained.

Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) Code: Identifies the agent responsible for maintaining the investor's records, important for administrative purposes.

Asset Type: Classifies the asset (e.g., equity, bond), which is crucial for portfolio diversification analysis.

Original Cost Value and Market Value: Provide figures on what the asset was originally purchased for versus its current market valuation, important for assessing investment performance and gain/loss calculations.

Last Transaction Date: The date of the most recent transaction involving the asset, important for timeline tracking of asset activity.

Closing Balance in Units: Reflects the remaining units of the asset after the last recorded transaction, important for current asset status.

Transaction Details About the Asset:

Transactions: A detailed record of all transactions related to the asset. This section is instrumental for a thorough audit trail and includes:

Tax Details: Information on taxes paid during transactions, such as general tax and securities transaction tax.

Transaction Date: When the transaction occurred, key for chronological tracking.

Transaction Description: Explains the nature of the transaction (e.g., purchase, sale), providing context to the asset movements.

Transaction Mode: Indicates how the transaction was conducted (e.g., online, offline).

STT Paid: The amount of securities transaction tax incurred during the transaction, relevant for cost calculations.

Units Transacted: The number of units involved in the transaction, essential for understanding the scale of the transaction.

Transaction Charges: Any additional costs associated with the transaction.

Type of Transaction: A flag that indicates the nature of the transaction, which could include purchase, sale, etc.

Purchase Price per Unit: The cost per unit at which assets were acquired during the transaction, vital for cost basis calculations.

This API facilitates fetching mutual funds held by the user.

Input Type

finsire_idstringA valid id generated during user creation
typestringType of CAS which is to be fetched. It takes 2 values, cas_summary and cas_detailed

Common error scenarios

The following are the common error scenarios in sending an API request:

param is missing or the value is empty: finsire_idfinsire_id is a required field
param is missing or the value is empty: typetype is a required field. Should be one of the two enum values

You can try out this API here.