Generate OTP
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This is the first API to start the process of fetching and pledging of Mutual funds. This would be the base layer for the whole process of lending.
For this API,
Input: PAN and Mobile Number followed by an OTP to Fetch Mutual Funds
Output: OTP is sent to user mobile_number which would validate and fetch their holding in mutual funds from KFintech.
Input Type
Input | Type | Description |
finsire_id | string | A valid id generated during user creation |
pan | string | A valid PAN associated with mutual funds |
mobile_number | string | A valid mobile number associated with mutual funds |
Common Error Scenarios
The following are the common error scenarios in sending an API request:
Error | Description |
param is missing or the value is empty: finsire_id | finsire_id is a required field |
param is missing or the value is empty: pan | pan is a required field |
param is missing or the value is empty: mobile_number | mobile_number is a required field |
You can try the API here
Updated 8 months ago
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